Zinc deficiency is more difficult to correct on sweet cherry than apple. 甜樱桃缺锌比苹果缺锌更难纠正。
The area rich chestnut, cherry, apple and other fruit in holiday leisure and resort tours, sightseeing agriculture and other areas have a high value tourism development. 该区盛产板栗、樱桃、苹果等果品,在度假休闲、胜地游览、观光农业等方面具有较高的旅游开发价值。
There are lots of new flowers on the cherry trees, apple trees, pear trees and peach trees. 樱桃树、苹果树、梨树上和桃树上都开了许多花。
Cherry, apple, and lilac trees all have colourful blossoms. 樱桃树、果树和丁香树都有色彩鲜艳的花朵。